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What is the 'SDB Popularity ranking'?

We count the number of times we serve up each surname page. We then rank he names by the number of times a name has been looked up each year and rank accordingly. Note: this is not an accurate measure of how common a surname is, as inevitably the surnames of prominent public figures are search for more than others.

Can I use your research text in my blog or book?

If you wish to include our research text from one or two surnames. Then please do so, but please also retain the copyright text and the link back to the original page. If you need more than two names please contact us to discuss your needs.

How long will it take for my Surname Scroll to arrive?

All scrolls are shipped from the UK via Royal Mail. Scrolls ordered for delivery in the UK usually arrive within 3-4 days. Scrolls going to the rest of Europe typically take between 4-7 days, and scrolls going to the rest of the world usually take between 10-14 days for delivery.