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Home > S > Slorach
Recorded in several spellings including Slora, Slorach, Slorra, and Slorance, this is rare Scottish surname. The meaning is unclear, but it may be a derivation from the Gaelic word 'sluagdach' meaning leader, but this is not proven. What is certain is that like most ancient Gaelic surnames it would have originated from a nickname given to the first chief of the clan. It is said that the nameholders were a sept within the ancient clan 'Qwhevil' and as such were apparently from the Perth region, but again this is not proven. What would seem to be the case is that the clan was broken up in or before the 14th century, because today the name although usually quite rare, is recorded across the country. The Dictionary of Scottish Surnames indicates that the first recording of the surname in any form may be that of Alexander Slorath, who was a witness in Elgin in 1562, whilst James Slorrach was a petitioner for the formation of Huntly Volunteers to fight Napoleon in 1798. George Slorance is recorded at Milton in Glasgow on November 9th 1867, when his son also christened George was born.

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Surname scroll for: Slorach

Enjoy this name printed onto our colourful scroll, printed in Olde English script. An ideal gift.