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Recorded in many forms including Guerin, Guarrin, Warin, Waring, Wharin, Wharing, Wareing, Warring, Wearing, and others, this is an English medieval surname. It is however of Norman-French origins, and was probably introduced into England at the famous Conquest of 1066. The source is the personal name Warin or Guerin, from the pre 6th century old Germanic word "warin" meaning guard, itself used as a first element of various compounds such as Warner. There was a famous 9th Century ballad called "Guerin de Montglave" which largely contributed to the popularity of the name throughout France. Early English recordings include: Robertus filius Warin of the county of Cambridgeshire in the Domesday Book of 1086 and Gislebertus filius Garini of Essex in the same register. The surname first appears on record towards the end of the 12th Century, (see below), and other early examples include John Waryng in the Subsidy Tax Rolls of Worcestershire in 1275, and Roger Warenge in the Calendar of Letter Books for London in 1448. Other later church register recordings from the city of London include Helin Waring and John Watson who were married at St. Lawrence Poutney on June 7th 1573, and Martha Wharin who was christened on February 2nd 1576 at St. Matthew's church, Friday Street. The first recorded spelling of the family name is shown to be that of Robert Warin. This was dated 1198 in the Curia Rolls of Yorkshire, during the reign of King Richard 1st known to history as "Lionheart", 1189 - 1199.

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Surname scroll for: Waring

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